1095 Budapest, Bajor Gizi park 1. +361/476-6800


Current events

French romantic composer Hector Berlioz goes to see his childhood love Estelle Duboeuf and proposes to elope with the decent grandmother, taking her away from her family. They recall the passion of their youth, buried deep later on, conforming to conventions. But it’s never too late to “stop time”. True love lives on agelessly in everyone, it just takes courage to experience it. Miklós Hubay chose an excerpt from Sándor Weöres’ poem Happiness as the play’s slogan: “We’ll be old and wrinkled, // but with flowers in our hearts. // Our great cloud-swing in flames…”


Első királyunknak élete utolsó napjaira maradt még egy sorsdöntő feladata. El kell döntenie, hogy kire hagyja a koronát - az…

We should know the great features of Hungarian theatre, and Sári Fedák was one of the greatest. She was the…

“A legtöbbször pokol ez a hely, szűk kis tüzes pokol.”

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