1095 Budapest, Bajor Gizi park 1. +361/476-6800


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"She encompasses all the capabilities a person can have: the loud mouth of a vendor in a marketplace and the grace of a tragic Greek heroine. What else could she do? Mrs. Orbán defies the laws of nature as she ignores old age and declares a war on death” – said István Örkény in the Preface to his tragicomedy The Cats Play. Director János Szász’s assessment: “This show belongs to the actors. All I have to do is wish them courage and faith for this beautiful and bone-chillingly hard journey.”


“A legtöbbször pokol ez a hely, szűk kis tüzes pokol.”

The fairy tale Oleander and Flax Blossom is widely referred to as the most beautiful Hungarian fairy tale written since…

Radnóti Miklós és Gyarmati Fanni belső világa elevenedik meg Vecsei H. Miklós és a zenészekből, képzőművészekből álló QJÚB nevű társulás…

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