1095 Budapest, Bajor Gizi park 1. +361/476-6800




Irina the hairdresser believes in love above all else. If there is anything for which it is worth living and dying, surely it is love. The dramatic text, which portrays the tragedy of the common man with Gogolian grotesqueness, examines the universal problems encapsulated in Irina’s fate.

Current events

Pain wrapped up in cheer, in love, which is one of the distinctive features of director Viktor Risakov’s theatrical language, elevates the tense contradiction between human desires and stern reality to a poetic spectacle. Risakov is one of the emblematic figures of contemporary Russian theatre. The production won a prize at the National Theatre Festival of Pécs and has been performed as part of numerous theatre festivals in Hungary and abroad.


John the Valiant is a classic of Hungarian literature. In Attila Vidnyánsky’s bold, visually daring production it captures the vision…

Metsző humorral és mély emberismerettel írta meg két híres egyfelvonásosát Molnár Ferenc. Pazar szerepek színészeknek és remek szórakozás a nézőknek.…

A lecsúszóban lévő vén ripacs – alias Hobo - arra a pofátlanságra vetemedett, hogy az eddig elkövetett gátlástalan előadásait kiterjessze…

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