1095 Budapest, Bajor Gizi park 1. +361/476-6800


Don Juan

Don Juan

“’Hypocrisy is a trendy sin, so like all trendy sins, it is a virtue’, This is the basic idea of Don Juan’s last monologue, which reflects Moliere’s scathing view of hypocrisy. Much as Moliere wanted to ‘tarnish’ Don Juan’s character, he actually elicited sympathy from the audience, and eventually turned Don Juan into a hero.

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A hero who does not comply with life’s conventional rules, and who in the end, is condemned by those ‘rules’ to burn in hell. Donna Elvira’s abduction from the convent, or Donna Anna’s seduction at her husband’s grave, point to Moliere’s personal relationship with God and the Church. Don Juan’s drama thus presents a psychological analysis of the relationship between the world of humans and the superhuman spiritual realm.” (Aleksandar Popovski)


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